Success Story of Women

Bhagavathi with Sewing Machine

Donation of Sewing Machine by Oxigen

In a country of 1.3 billion people, making ends meet is a daily ritual for many underprivileged people. Not many can come out on top in spite of braving all hardships. But India’s diversity is such that in every sphere of life, some beacons shine bright to pave the way for others.

Bhagavathi who is a beneficiary of a sewing machine from Oxigen as a donation reside in Rajakkamangalam Block. She has two girl children. When her husband ran away with a lady leaving her and children alone made her life hell. She had no one to look after her at that time. Her in-laws mistreated her, forcing her to move to her mother’s place to receive shelter. She was struggling to live with the guilt of being a burden on her already impoverished parents. She was determined to face life’s challenges head on. She worked as a maid to contribute to the family’s income. Then she jointed MALAR group, she had the gift of tailoring Later she worked as a tailor, stitching for people in the neighborhoods. She sent her first daughter to work under a tailor. She liked the job and gets some money as salary and that amount helped her sister to study in a school.


Thereafter she started living in a home which was given to her by an old woman free of cost. During these circumstances she applied at MALAR to get a sewing machine. Through Oxigen & Sahyog foundation, Malar helped her with Donation a new sewing machine. Subsequently, with her tailoring experience, she tied up with an NGO and started making bags. She not only learned to stand on her own feet but is also helping few other women stand on their feet by working with her in her bag-making business. It is a blessing to her. Now she stitches bags of different types. She is getting petty jobs to make small bags during this season because in her district plastics items are debarred to purchase items in shops. Now she is very happy. Without losing an iota of courage and with steely determination, she dreams to singlehandedly runs the bag-making business with her few women supporters, making a grand success of it. Buoyed by the success of her bag-making business, she has set out on a goal of growing her business to ensure that she and her supporters can aspire for a good life. This act of kindness on her part speaks volumes for her commitment to fellow human beings.

She has also shown her entrepreneurial skills by buying fabrics in bulk from wholesale market. She sells the cloth and offers tailoring to the women in her village. She is earning around Rs 5,000-7,000 per month now. She is saving almost Rs 4000 per month. She says, “I am happy to earn and run my family. The sewing machine is proving a boon for me as it is helping me to achieve economic independence.” She is a role model to her community.

"We really don’t know how to express her gratitude enough about Oxigen & Sahyog Foundation donation against sewing machines to poor women..., A extends a very special thanks to Mr. Rajpal singh Duggal for this generosity."

Investment in women and girls is a proven path to reduce poverty.
